Thursday, January 20, 2011

*** Nairobi Travel Tips ***

This is a collection of everything I wish I knew about Nairobi before traveling here.

Getting Around

Nairobi is a large city, not very conducive to pedestrians.  The roads and apparent laws are structured to favor motorists.  Sidewalks hardly exist and drivers have little to no respect for pedestrians, let alone other drivers.  It's like the wild west with minimal traffic enforcement.  Furthermore,  you cannot walk at night.  Thefts and kidnappings happen mostly at night.  Never walk alone ever at night.  In fact, don't walk ever at night, take a car.

Taxis are not really taxis in the traditional sense of having a meter.  Everything is negotiated.  Of course if you are new, the driver will try to get one over on you.  Best way to tell what you should pay is ask another local foreigner/white person or local how much to pay for a particular route.  Locals always get charged less, but it will give you a general idea.  it's best to find a driver you like who is fair.  However, every driver I ever had eventually tried to rip me off even after we established a good relationship.  I found taxi drivers to be extremely frustrating and eventually gave up on them.

Matatus in my opinion are the best way to get around Nairobi.  It's a bit tricky and there is a steep learning curve.  Most people are helpful, so just ask if you do not know.  This is the most preferred mode of transport for locals.  My rule of thumb is to always take local transportation.  It's an excellent opportunity to immerse yourself in the local community.

Places to Eat - (I'm a Vegetarian, so my choices lean in that direction)

Java House (popular chain), great meeting place, good coffee and good food
Art Caffe - good coffee and baked goods and cocktails.  This another local meeting place.
Chowpaty - one of my favorite places to eat.  If you like Indian food it is not to be missed.  It's a bit pricey for India, but the food is worth it.

Things to Do In and Around Nairobi

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